Sunday 30 April 2017

Rupununi Season and Reason

Savannah breeze blows
Warm and cool - Dual
Like Rupununi Seasons
The heart has no reasons

Mountain breeze blows
Wind whispers secrets
News - untold- on the winds
Souls of one kind intertwined

River breeze blows
Whispers to Kaiambe trees
Thatch roofs rustle softly
The hammock gently swings

The Northeast breeze blows
Moments melt in darkness to memories
Your face etched upon my mind
A drawing on my soul

Its not a heart's place to reason
Like a Rupununi season

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Mosaic beauty

For I see the beauty in you
Even though you cannot
For I see the kindness within
Even though you deny your heart

And I see the broken part too
Even though for you that's true
I see fire beneath the broken lines
Even though you deny the spark within

I will tend that spark in you
Even though you cannot
I will forge you into a mosiac
You must see broken can be beautiful too

Monday 3 April 2017


Broken, shattered thing -
How pretty you are when you stand
Defiant, willful - a fiery contradiction
Knocked up - bruised - damaged
And -
Still you stand -
Quietly with an open heart
Giving out your gentle hand

Why is it that you stay?
When he leaves you wanting more?
He'll turn your heart to stone
Leave you with bitterness in your soul
And -
That open heart will close
That gentle hand harden
That pretty face - echoing empty
